
Lately I have been trying to branch out and try new foods. For most of my life, for example, I refused to eat beef. I didn’t have anything against it, I just couldn’t handle the texture when I was younger, especially with burgers. While I still can’t do beef burgers now, I am starting to enjoy other dishes involving beef.

This recipe was husband approved and we were both sad when it was gone. I’ll definitely be repeating in the future!  Read More

Good morning parents and students!

Today I thought I’d give you an update on our new curriculum this year for literacy. Our school district recently adopted the Reach for Reading and Reach for Writing curriculum. In my eyes, literacy is a piece of every single subject. We write and read and comprehend in everything from social studies to math these days. Students need to have as many tools in their tool boxes as possible in order to succeed in the ever more challenging learning environment. I hope to implement strategies to help students feel comfortable reading and understanding in every situation that may come up. This will help prepare students for middle school next year and the harder educational years beyond.

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In the past, I have always had issues with food. Yes, in the sense that I binge ate, but more so that a lot of foods caused stomach pain and bloat. Did I care? Not really! But why put myself through that? I have no idea. Food lasts a few moments in your mouth but can result in hours of uncomfortable stomach pain. Read More

Looking back on this past quarter, my views on how technology can be used in a classroom have certainly changed! For one, standardized testing is completely electronic nowadays. If we are not testing our students regularly using technology, is the standardized testing going to test for subject knowledge or just how to use technology? While I saw how technology could be used to play learning games (such as, I never thought about how it could be truly integrated to assist learning. There is a whole world of knowledge at the fingertips of our students. Why not let them use this when they will have the resource for the rest of their lives?
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When it comes to assessment, technology can be a strong tool to keep learning hand in hand with student progress. Not only does technology allow for immediate feedback to the teacher as well as the students using it, but it can adjust to fit the needs of the student at that time.

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I came across this article on the Cult of Pedagogy that goes into detail on using playlists as classroom differentiation. At first I was confused. Playlists? Like music? But then as I began reading the article I found it was referencing something completely different.

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Environment is everything when it comes to setting up at the beginning of the year. How you set up your classroom can create an inviting environment that lets your students know a little about you before you even begin. You don’t want to give the wrong idea about what the school year will look like or what to expect.

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The second post in this series will include some of my future plans for classroom procedures, record keeping, and family interactions. There is entirely so much to think about, even a year away from having my own classroom, that it’s nice to get some of my thoughts written down for future reference.

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As a pre-service teacher I am SO excited even thinking of the prospect of setting up a future classroom. That being said, there is so much that goes in to creating a functioning classroom setting for a future room of students. I thought I would share some of my current ideas here as I come across them. Any advice or suggestions from current teachers would be highly appreciated!

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Technology brings an aspect of learning to schools and classrooms that brings to life concepts previously only seen in boring textbooks. Textbooks are not interactive and do not give students the ability to explore further. There information found in a textbook is what it is.  Through the implementation of technology, students can solve real-world problems and make connections with people elsewhere in the world. Instead of staying stuck within the pages of a book, students now have access to pretty unlimited resources online. Through multiple means of technology, the learning possibilities are endless.


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